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Dynamics CRM Plugin Mistake

1 minute read

Daily “feel like an idiot” moment incoming: check your entity names and remember that the debugger can throw exceptions too.

Remote bulk fix for VSS LLDP CAPI 513 error.

1 minute read

I’m a stickler for keeping error logs clean where possible. I wanted to fix the VSS CAPI 513 error ( on my D...

DPM Azure Recovery Services Agent Crashing

less than 1 minute read

Update: We did start having dependency issues after updating the MARS agent. It appears that the agent now depends on the management service. Not getting err...

S2D Cluster Creation From VMM 2016

1 minute read

TL;WR: If you’re trying to setup an S2D Hyper-Converged Cluster before adding it to your VMM Fabric: Don’t. It will work, but you won’t be able to see or man...